Do you or someone you know been told you turn the television too loud?

Have you had to say "huh" and "what" in conversations with friends and family? Or maybe you have noticed that you don't seem to be hearing as well as you used to?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, give us a call to set up your FREE hearing test today.

Phone: 270-735-9352 or Toll-Free: 888-896-7211

Hearing Aid Manufacturers

We are a multi-line dealer and these are just a few of the manufacturer's that we can clean, repair, adjust and/or sell.

Some others include :

Magnatone (which is now Persona)

Miracle Ear

Electone (Absorbed by Rexton 2010)

Micro-Tech (Subsidiary of Starkey)

Beltone (GN Resound)

Audibel (Subsidiary of Starkey)

Qualitone (which is now Starkey)

GN Resound

Telex (Out of Business 2006)

Sebotek and others..


Care Credit

Care Credit

Care Credit